A Mandarin Speech
Synthesis System Combining HMM Spectrum Model, ANN
Prosody Model, and HNM Signal Model 結合 隱藏式馬可夫 頻譜模型, 類神經網路 韻律模型, 及HNM信號模型 之國語(華語)語音合成系統 |
Hung-Yan Gu (古鴻炎),
Ming-Yen Lai (賴名彥), and Sung-Fung
Tsai (蔡松峰) e-mail: guhy@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
2013 |
Support timbre transformation
(e.g. female => male) and changeable
speech-rate. (b) Support synchronous playing of a syllable-pronunciation symbol and its synthetic speech. (c) 375 (or 1,176) spoken sentences are used to train syllable or initial/final HMMs. (HMM training method: segmental k-means; for /pien/, the initial is /p/ and the final is /ien/) (d) Spectral parameters: 40 discrete cepstrum coefficients and their differentials per frame. (e) ANN prosody models are trained with 375 sentences. (f) Papers for reference: model combination(2010), f0 generation(2011), HNM signal synthesis(2009), timbre transformation(2012) Tt |
speech examples |
Program screen |
Recording of program execution |
Master Thesis Abstract |
speech |
Example training utterances | ||
Init. & Finl. HMM |
Syllable HMM |
using 1,176 sentences uttered by a male to train HMMs. |
, | ||
using only 375 sentences uttered by
the same male to train
HMMs. |
using 375 sentences uttered by female A to train HMMs. |
using 375 sentences uttered by female B to train HMMs. |
, | ||
using 801 sentences uttered by female B to train HMMs. |
text content of Text A |
因為不知道你的名子, 就讓我叫你白花樹, 春天, 當你的花朵盛開時, 就像點亮了滿樹白蠟燭. 春天因你而閃閃發光, 笑臉因你而更加明媚, 微風因你而飄送芬芳, 日子就像緩緩的溪水. 白花樹變成了一幅畫, 引來了那麼多賞花人. 白花樹從此有了一個家, 他的根連著無數人的心. 名子也許並不那麼重要, 讓人懷念的名子最美好. |
speech |
Init. & Finl. HMM |
Syllable HMM |
using only 375 sentences uttered by the same male to train HMMs. | ||
using 375 sentences uttered by female A to train HMMs. |
using 375 sentences uttered by female B to train HMMs. |
using 801 sentences uttered by female B to train HMMs. |
text content of Text B |
大清早, 公園裡的池塘, 是沒有皺紋的鏡子. 鏡子的一角, 映著打拳的太太, 鏡子的另一角, 映著讀報的老人, 鏡子的中間, 映著開白花的雲朵. 幾條姿態優雅的錦鯉, 游在不生皺紋的鏡子裡, 從打拳的身上, 游過去, 從讀報的紙上游過去, 從雲朵的花瓣上, 游過去. |
Synthetic speech | ||
& Finl. HMM |
Syllable HMM |
using only 375 sentences uttered by the same male to train HMMs. | ||
using 375 sentences uttered by female A to train HMMs. |
using 375 sentences uttered by female B to train HMMs. |
using 801 sentences uttered by female B to train HMMs. |
text content of Text C |
天下雜誌民意調查顯示, 六成一的民眾擔心經濟傾中, 七成五的年輕人自認是台灣人. 天下雜誌昨天公布的最新民調指出, 高達六成一的民眾擔心台灣經濟過度依賴中國大陸. 天下民調的另一個數據也值得政府省思, 百分之六十二的受訪者認為自己是台灣人, 自認既是台灣人也是中國人的有百分之二十二, 自認是中國人的僅百分之八, 其中十八到二十九歲的年輕族群, 認為自己是台灣人的, 更高達百分之七十五, 是同類調查的新高. 天下雜誌對此, 引述亞太和平研究基金會董事長趙春山的解讀說, 以往選擇是中國人也是台灣人的比率最高, 牽涉的是對中華文化的認同及漢民族血濃於水的感情, 如今在國人的印象中, 談到中國代表的就是中華人民共和國, 因此更強化了台灣人對這片土地的認同感. |
male voice |
timbre transformation |
2) female voice | 4) changable speech-rate | |
faster: slower: |
sentences |
sentences |